Do you know we provide quality lawn service all season?

  • 6 Step Fertilization
  • Lawn Core Aeration
  • Irrigation
  • Weekly Mowing
  • Spring/Fall Clean-ups
  • Landscaping
  • Bark / Mulch Installation


The winter snow season requires expereience, expertise and a commitment to service. At Meadowgreen, you can count on us throughout the long, cold winter season.

24 hour service, 7 days per week

  • Residential driveway snowplowing
  • Private road snowplowing
  • Commercial parking lot plowing
  • Commercial sidewalk shoveling
  • Salt and de-icer materials applied

We currently provide service to several of your neighbors. Act NOW and SAVE!

Our highly equipped and dedicated crews will take the work and worry out of winter snow & ice situations!
Please call Carl today for service: (616.956.1550)


November 15th – April 1st

  • A target depth of 1 1/2 inches of snow accumulation is required for plowing services.
  • Snow plowing is provided once per 24 hours and completed between the hours of midnight & 8AM
  • Our equipment utilizes polyurethane cleaning edges. This provides a quiet, non damaging clean to asphalt drives, concrete & pavers
  • In the event of a HEAVY snow / storm conditions we will continue plowing as necessary to compelte the event
  • A return trip to clear approaches and to clean parking spots will be made during early morning hours following the snow event.
  • Every effort will be made to scrape snow clean; however, this does not guarantee a SLIP-FREE surface.